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AREA Ratings for W5617: Fred Roeper

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Alhambra (2003)4950280202013-08-042016-06-08
Carcassonne (2000)4967130102013-08-042016-08-30
Merchant of Venus (1988)4964130102012-08-052016-09-02
Puerto Rico (2002)4968130102013-08-042016-08-30
Ra (1999)4926270102012-08-052016-06-08
Saint Petersburg (2004)4933260102012-08-052016-06-08
Santa Fe Rails (2001)4910200102013-08-042016-06-08
Thurn and Taxis (2006)5037380202013-08-042016-09-06
Ticket to Ride (2004)4963130102013-08-042016-05-27
Yspahan (2006)4967130102012-08-052016-06-08

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