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AREA Ratings for 20886.60: Robert M Frisby

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Afrika Korps (1964)51971070202015-08-092016-08-22
Anzio (1969)634540170802014-08-102016-07-06
Battle of the Bulge (1981)5102110102013-08-042016-07-06
Bitter Woods (Avalon Hill)4627151101002015-08-052015-12-09
Fortress Europa (1978)634236114502014-08-102016-07-06
Gettysburg (125th Anniversary edition) (1988)5107330202016-07-312016-07-06
Paths of Glory (1999)5276777022013-06-152016-07-06
Paul Koenig's Fortress Europe (2013)5266530202015-08-092016-07-06
Waterloo (1962)4946330302016-07-312016-08-21

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