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AREA Ratings for 00823.98: Harald Henning

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
1830: Railways and Robber Barons (1986)50606180202015-08-092016-06-08
Advanced Civilization (1991)50248400602016-07-312016-08-30
Circus Maximus (1979)48952140202015-08-092016-08-22
El Grande (1995)4955280202013-08-042016-09-04
Empire Builder (1982)549818310802015-08-092016-06-08
History of the World (1991)5789258101202015-08-092016-08-30
Medici (1995)541313370602015-08-092016-06-08
Power Grid (2004)51295160402013-08-042016-06-08
Rail Baron (1977)555211240402015-08-092016-06-08
Thurn and Taxis (2006)5032390102013-08-042016-09-06

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