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AREA Ratings for W5271: Gus Collars

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Circus Maximus (1979)50932160102012-08-052016-08-22
Leaping Lemmings (2010)4941240202013-08-042016-04-16
Pirate's Cove (2002)48934140202015-08-092016-09-03
RoboRally (aka Robo Rally) (1994)4901150102012-08-052016-08-22
Splendor (2014)4997360102015-08-092016-09-06
The Kaiser's Pirates (2007)5063250002012-08-052016-08-23
Ticket to Ride (2004)4933260202015-08-092016-05-27
Titan: The Arena / Colossal Arena (1997)4978140102012-08-052016-06-08

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