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AREA Ratings for Mage Wars series (2012-2106)

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This game is rated as a two player game.

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Last updated 2016-07-06.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games17729
Mean for any rated games500029

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
02172.30Avtges Jr, Nicholas5185220102015-08-09
NA013Avtges III, Nicholas5005220102015-08-09
TA007Avtges, Thomas4895110102015-08-09
W4921Bennett, Chris4995220102015-08-09
BB020Bogovich, Bonnie4805330102015-08-09
20W90Byrd, Chris5286550102015-08-09
78759.61Cannon Jr, W Tom5100110102015-08-09
W4779Cantwell, Kevin4900110102015-08-09
NC011Chepaitis, Nicholas4814440102015-08-09
W5280Collins, Walt5029440102015-08-09
LDS01DiSandro-Roberts, Liz5010440102015-08-09
W5717Dobyns, York4790220102015-08-09
21046.10Hastings, Frank4887550102015-08-09
W4840Howell, Jack5068550102015-08-09
MH024Hyland, Michael4890110102015-08-09
JJ011Jurgens, Jeremy4900110102015-08-09
W4165McCandless, Bradford5506770102015-08-09
DMercMercer, Douglas B5190220102015-08-09
W5584Newsome, James5090660102015-08-09
KS021Schmidt, Karl4896110102015-08-09
JS059Steen, Jacob4905110102015-08-09
19963.50Toro, Paul R5199660102015-08-09
08512.50Vickery, Thomas4801330102015-08-09
W5167Villemaire, Martin5100110102015-08-09
W5293Weldon, David4720440102015-08-09
CW009Winicki, Christian4934550102015-08-09
CW012Wisner, Chuck5100110102015-08-09
TW003Wisner, Tom5185440102015-08-09
SB038* Name Withheld *4815220102015-08-09

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