1995 Titan National Tournament Results

Last updated on March 1, 1999.

For more information on Titan see my Titan Home Page.

TNT '95 (The Titan National Tournament) was played last weekend.
Twenty one players attended playing 43 offical games and several
pick up games.  A good time was had by all.  We are planning 
TNT '96 now and welcome all comments or suggestions.

Steve Koleszar won the multiplayer tournament.

Ben Foy won the single elimination two-player tournament.

Game  Finish (Two-player tournament)
  1. Nestor, Levy
  2. Sutton, Courtney
  3. Mozes, Rothenhoefer
  4. Foy, Kinnier
  5. Strock, Rothenheber
  6. Pustilnik, Wines
  7. Koslowski, desJardins
  8. D. Scott, Arndt
  9. Ackman, Hillock
 10. D. Scott, Koslowski
 11. Nestor, Sutton
 12. Foy, Mozes
 13. Strock, Pustilnik
 14. D. Scott, Ackman
 15. Foy, Nestor
 16. D. Scott, Strock
 17. Foy, D. Scott

Game  Finish (Multi-player tournament)
 1M. Nestor, Levy, Sutton/Courtney (M)
 2M. Foy, Sutton, Strock/Rothenheber (M), Wines, Courtney
 3M. Pustilnik, Arndt, Ackman, Wines, Nestor
 4M. desJardins, Mozes, Koslowski, Rothenheber, Foy, Strock
 5M. Rothenheber, Courtney, Mozes, Wines
 6M. Sutton, Ackman, Strock, D. Scott, Wines, Rothenhoefer
 7M. Hillock, Levy, Nestor/Rothenhoefer (M)
 8M. desJardins, Rothenhoefer, Courtney, Nestor
 9M. Pustilnik, Nestor, Wines, Mozes, Rothenheber
10M. Levy, Foy, Hillock, Rothenheber, Courtney
11M. Goliwas, Rothenheber, desJardins, Rothenhoefer, Strock
12M. Mozes, D. Scott, Pustilnik, Arndt
13M. Wines, Courtney, Koslowski, Mozes
14M. Koleszar, Hillock, Foy, Strock
15M. Goliwas, Pustilnik, Wines, desJardins, Rothenheber, Strock
16M. Courtney, Rothenhoefer, Arndt, Koslowski
17M. Sutton, B. Scott, Koleszar, Strock, Rothenhoefer
18M. Nestor, Rothenhoefer, Koslowski, Foy
19M. desJardins/Hillock (M), Mozes, Foy
20M. Koslowski, Nestor, Rothenheber, Arndt, Wines, Rothenhoefer
21M. Sutton, Strock, Rothenhoefer, Pustilnik
22M. Arndt, B. Scott, D. Scott, Wines
 S1. Hillock, D. Scott, Strock, Rothenhoefer
 S2. Koleszar, Pustilnik, Mozes, Arndt
 S3. Wines, desJardins/Koslowski, Courtney
  F. Koleszar, Wines, Foy, Hillock, Sutton, Nestor 

Players in Alphabetical Order

Name                  2-player  multiplayer  overall
 1. Ackman, Cliff        1-1         0-2       1-3
 2. Arndt, Frank         0-1         1-5       1-6
 3. Courtney, Tom        0-1         1-7       1-8
 4. desJardins, David    0-1       2.5-6     2.5-7
 5. Foy, Ben             4-0         1-7       5-7
 6. Goliwas, Paul        0-0         2-0       2-0
 7. Hillock, Kevin       0-1       2.5-6     2.5-7
 8. Kinnier, John        0-1         0-0       0-1
 9. Koleszar, Steve      0-0         3-1       3-1
10. Koslowski, Kevin     1-1         1-6       2-7
11. Levy, Keith          0-1         1-3       1-4
12. Mozes, Eyal          1-1         1-7       2-8
13. Nestor, John         2-1         2-8       4-9
14. Pustilnik, Michael   1-1         2-6       3-7
15. Rothenheber, Ed      0-1         1-8       1-9
16. Rothenhoefer, Tim    0-1         0-10      0-11
17. Scott, Bill          0-0         0-2       0-2 
18. Scott, David         4-1         0-4       4-5
19. Strock, Dan          2-1         0-9       2-10
20. Sutton, Brian        1-1         3-3       4-4
21. Wines, Art           0-1         2-9       2-10

This page is maintained by Bruno Wolff III on wolff.to.

A secure version of this page is located at: https://wolff.to/titan/tnt95r.html