Titan PBEM Handout

Last updated on June 3, 2002.

For more information on Titan see my Titan Home Page.

Version 7.2.1 - 8/23/96
Version 7.2.2 - 10/30/00 (updated for change to wolff.to from uwm.edu)

  - by Randy Pacetti, rpacetti@delphi.com, and others who helped get
      this started

  - currently maintained by Bruno Wolff (bruno@wolff.to).

These are the guidelines for running PBEM Titan games.  Individual moderators
may modify these to suit their styles.  Titan is a fantasy wargame published
by Avalon Hill.  You must have a copy of the game or the rules to play.  We
cannot provide these for you.

PBEM Titan games using these guidelines have been running since August, 1991.

1. This is meant to be a somewhat fast-paced game to keep things moving.
Please cooperate and be considerate to your fellow players who are waiting
for their turns.  You are encouraged to send split orders ahead of time
and/or conditional orders based on the die roll or strike result.
2. The GM is not here to teach you the game or to coach your play.  To be
fair to everyone, the GM will not volunteer information about your options
or their consequences.  This is not to say that the GM is unfriendly or
uncaring.  The GM will cheerfully answer any question on the rules.
2.1 The current Titan rules interpretations are located at
"http://wolff.to/titan/errata.html". If you want a copy by mail
you can send a request to "bruno@wolff.to".
3. We are here to have fun.  Good sportsmanship is encouraged.  This was
highlighted in the first game when one player made a non-obvious typo in
his battle maneuvers, and did not notice it until after his opponent's
reply.  The second player responded that he was surprised at the move, that
it probably was a typo, and that the first player should correct his move.
Truly heartwarming.
4. Along the lines of good sportsmanship, players are expected to play to win,
to the best of their ability, as long as they have a chance to do so.  Players
who do not feel that they are in a position to win may concede or play on, but
should refrain from taking actions that unfairly alter the balance between
the players who are still in contention.  Suicide attacks for the sole purpose
of conceding and giving points to a certain player without risk is one
example of behavior that is frowned upon.  Moderators reserve the right to
intervene during extreme cases, and may forfeit or replace offending players.
5. The GM will not allow players to hang themselves with obvious typos or
obvious oversights, especially in conditional orders.  These would not occur
in FTF Titan, and should not occur here.  The GM will ask for clarification.
Please proofread your orders.
6. Unless given specific reasons to the contrary, the GM reserves the right
to make "the only obvious choice" for a player in a battle to speed things
up.  This is rarely done, and only in really clear-cut situations.
7. The GM will make typos and mistakes.  Players are encouraged to point
these out so they may be fixed.  Players who are nasty about it will get
poor die rolls. :-)
8. The GM uses one real six-sider to make all die rolls, and he rolls and
records the numbers in sequence.  If the GM rolls the die too many times in a
battle (see 6 above), he will correct the problem by deleting rolls off of the
end of the sequence.  To avoid administrative headaches, deleted rolls will be
eradicated, and will NOT be carried over to the next creature.
9. Complaints about your poor die rolls and your opponent's wonderful die rolls
will be cheerfully filed in write-only memory (circular file).  Whatever the GM
rolls, you get.  People remember their poor rolls more than their good rolls
at an average ratio of 11.34 to 1 (source: Mr. Spock).
10. To keep things moving, a 48 hour time limit is imposed between the time
orders are requested and the time they are received.  Weekends and holidays
will not count toward the 48 hours.  Reasonable delays requested in advance,
including vacations and business trips, will be cheerfully granted.  A
temporary substitute may be appropriate if the absence is more than a week.
If the time limit is exceeded, the GM may, at his option and availability,
make a move for the tardy player.  The move is not guaranteed to be a great
move, just something reasonable.  Protests about the move chosen will be
cheerfully filed (see 9. above).  In order to ensure great moves are made,
each player is encouraged to respond promptly when it is his/her turn.
Players who repeatedly exceed the time limit may be replaced at the GM's

1. A battle only lasts 7 rounds.  The attacker is eliminated after that.
2. Once you start to negotiate a battle settlement, you no longer have the
option to flee for half points.  Binding negotiations can involve only the
creatures currently in the stacks.  If you wish to include recruits and
summonings in a deal, the battle must be fought out.  Backstabbing and poor
rolls can and do occur.
3. Angels, Archangels, and Warlocks cannot recruit Guardians.

0a. To speed play, player may notify moderator of splits in advance
1. Player sends legion splits, specifying legion marker used
1a. To speed play, player may include conditional orders with his splits
2. GM sends die roll
3. Player moves legions and specifies recruiting and first attack to resolve
4. Resolve each battle in sequence

0. (Defender reinforces at start of round 4 or after battle)
1. Defender sends reinforcement and maneuver orders to GM
2. Defender sends strike orders to GM
3. GM resolves combat and sends back results
4. Repeat 2 and 3 as necessary
5. GM sends results to Attacker
6. Attacker sends strike orders to GM
7. GM resolves combat and sends back results
8. Repeat 6 and 7 as necessary
   (If first Defender creature has been killed, Attacker may summon Angel now,
    or at end of battle if he wins)
9. Attacker sends summoning and maneuver orders to GM
10. Attacker sends strike orders to GM
11. GM resolves combat and sends back results
12. Repeat 10 and 11 as necessary
13. GM forwards results to Defender
14. Defender sends strike orders to GM
15. GM resolves combat and sends back results
16. Repeat 14 and 15 as necessary
17. If seventh phase has just completed and defenders remain, Attacker
        is eliminated

Any format is acceptable as long as the GM does not have to struggle to
understand it.  A shorthand format has been developed, and its use is
encouraged.  The GM will issue all results in something resembling this
format.  The use of either generic (Bk01) or descriptive (Rose) terms
are acceptable.

SAMPLE SHORTHAND ACTIONS (the slash is for: What you use / What you get)
Bk01(Rose) Bk02(Hand) Cen Cen Ogr
        Black legion 1 splits off legion 2 containing 2 Centaurs and 1 Ogre
Bk02(Hand) P105 Cen/Lio
        Black legion 2 moves to Plains 105, where Centaurs are used to
        recruit a Lion
Bk03(Eye) Ang/m5000 Wbe/Gia
        Black legion 3 Tower-teleports to Mountain 5000 using an Angel, where
        Warbears are used to recruit a Giant

Rd01(Sword) Ttn/P105 (offboard) attack Bk02(Hand) 1st
        Red legion 1 Titan-teleports to Plains 105, coming in from the side
        that is offboard; resolve this attack first

BRUSH (B)                             DESERT (D)
2 Gargoyle      4*3                   3 Lion          5-3
2 Cyclops       9-2                   2 Griffon       5*4
  Gorgon        6*~3                    Hydra        10~3

HILLS (H)                             JUNGLE (J)
3 Ogre          6-2                   2 Gargoyle      4*3
2 Minotaur      4~4                   3 Cyclops       9-2
  Unicorn       6-4                   2 Behemoth      8-3
                                        Serpent      18-2

MARSH (M)                             MOUNTAINS (m)
2 Ogre          6-2                   2 Lion          5-3
2 Troll         8-2                   2 Minotaur      4~4
  Ranger        4*~4                  2 Dragon        9*~3
                                        Colossus     10-4

PLAINS (P)                            SWAMP (S)
2 Centaur       3-4                   3 Troll         8-2
2 Lion          5-3                   2 Wyvern        7*3
  Ranger        4*~4                    Hydra        10~3

TUNDRA (t)                            WOODS (W)
2 Troll         8-2                   3 Centaur       3-4
2 Warbear       6-3                   2 Warbear       6-3
2 Giant         7~4                     Unicorn       6-4
  Colossus     10-4

  Centaur       3-4
  Gargoyle      4*3
  Ogre          6-2
  Guardian     12*2     requires 3 of any single type of creature
  Warlock       5~4     requires Titan

  Angel         6*4     every 100 points
  Archangel     9*4     every 500 points
  Titan         X-4

18 Angel        Ang
 6 Archangel    Arc
18 Behemoth     Beh
25 Centaur      Cen
10 Colossus     Col
28 Cyclops      Cyc
18 Dragon       Dra
21 Gargoyle     Gar
18 Giant        Gia
25 Gorgon       Gor
18 Griffon      Gri
 6 Guardian     Gua
10 Hydra        Hyd
28 Lion         Lio
21 Minotaur     Min
25 Ogre         Ogr
28 Ranger       Ran
10 Serpent      Ser
28 Troll        Tro
12 Unicorn      Uni
21 Warbear      Wbe
 6 Warlock      Wlo
18 Wyvern       Wyv
   Titan        Ttn

Axes Eye Die Feather Hand Lightning Pumpkin Rose Scorpion Skull Spearhead

Anchor Bat Candle Cloud Egg Foot Fountain Moon Octopus Padlock Tornado Trident

Antlers Bell Chest Figurehead Hook Hourglass Paw Ram Scroll Spider Tankard

Caduceus Claw Coins Crown Horn Lamp Pyramid Rings Scarab Scimitars Sun Wheat

Cauldron Dagger Diamond Fish Fleur Frog Grapple Harp Lobster Olive Scales Snake

RED (Rd)
Cross Eagle Fist Gong Heart Jester Salamander Shield Spiral Star Sword Torch

                     ______    ______    ______    ______
                  __/      \__/      \__/      \__/      \__
                 /  \      / P\      / M\      / B\      /  \
                /    \ 125/ 124\ 123/ 122\ 121/ 120\ 119/    \
               /   126\_J/      \_B/      \_S/      \_P/118   \
               \_____M/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \D_____/
             __/B     \__/      \__/      \__/      \__/     M\__
            /  \127   /  \      / B\      / P\      /  \   117/  \
           /    \    /    \  25/  24\ 400/  20\  19/    \    /    \
          /   128\__/    26\_W/      \T_/      \_J/18    \__/116   \
          \_____D/  \_____J/  \______/  \______/  \H_____/  \B_____/
        __/P     \__/M     \__/      \__/      \__/     B\__/     P\__
       /  \129   /  \27    /  \      /M \      /  \    17/  \   115/  \
      /    \    /    \    /    \  23/  22\  21/    \    /    \    /    \
     /   130\__/   500\__/    28\_H/      \_D/16    \__/300   \__/114   \
     \_____B/  \____ T/  \_____S/  \______/  \W_____/  \T_____/  \J_____/
   __/M     \__/B     \__/P     \__/      \__/     P\__/     M\__/     B\__
  /  \131   /  \31    /  \29    /  \      /  \    15/  \    13/  \   113/  \
 /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \4000/    \    /    \    /    \    /    \
/   132\__/    32\__/    30\__/  5000\t_/3000  \__/14    \__/12    \__/112   \
\_____S/  \_____H/  \_____W/  \_____m/  \m_____/  \S_____/  \J_____/  \M_____/
/     P\__/     J\__/     D\__/     t\__/t     \__/H     \__/W     \__/S     \
\   133/  \    33/  \    35/  \  6000/m \2000  /  \9     /  \11    /  \111   /
 \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /1000\    /    \    /    \    /    \    /
  \__/134   \__/34    \__/36    \__/      \__/     8\__/    10\__/   110\__/
     \B_____/  \P_____/  \M_____/  \______/  \_____M/  \_____B/  \_____P/
     /     J\__/     T\__/     H\__/      \__/D     \__/T     \__/B     \
     \   135/  \   600/  \    37/ S\      / W\7     /  \200   /  \109   /
      \    /    \    /    \    /  42\   1/   2\    /    \    /    \    /
       \__/136   \__/38    \__/      \_P/      \__/     6\__/   108\__/
          \M_____/  \B_____/  \______/  \______/  \_____P/  \_____M/
Terrain   /     B\__/     W\__/      \__/      \__/J     \__/D     \
B = Brush \   137/  \    39/ J\      /T \      / H\5     /  \107   /
D = Desert \    /    \    /  40\  41/ 100\   3/   4\    /    \    /
H = Hills   \__/138   \__/      \M_/      \_B/      \__/   106\__/
J = Jungle     \P_____/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \_____B/
M = Marsh      /     D\__/      \__/      \__/      \__/P     \
m = Mountains  \   139/M \      / S\      / B\      / J\105   /
P = Plains      \    / 140\ 141/ 142\ 101/ 102\ 103/ 104\    /
S = Swamp        \__/      \_B/      \_P/      \M_/      \__/
T = Tower           \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/
t = Tundra
W = Woods

                     ______    ______    ______    ______                     
                  __/J  125\__/B  123\__/S  121\__/P  119\__                  
                 /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \                 
                /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \                
               /M  126\__/P  124\__/M  122\__/B  120\__/D  118\               
               \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/               
             __/B  127\__/W   25\__/T  400\__/J   19\__/M  117\__             
            /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \            
           /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \           
          /D  128\__/J   26\__/B   24\__/P   20\__/H   18\__/B  116\          
          \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/          
        __/P  129\__/M   27\__/H   23\__/D   21\__/B   17\__/P  115\__        
       /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \       
      /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \      
     /B  130\__/T  500\__/S   28\__/M   22\__/W   16\__/T  300\__/J  114\     
     \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/     
   __/M  131\__/B   31\__/P   29\__/t 4000\__/P   15\__/M   13\__/B  113\__   
  /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \  
 /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \ 
/S  132\__/H   32\__/W   30\__/m 5000\__/m 3000\__/S   14\__/J   12\__/M  112\
\______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/
/P  133\__/J   33\__/D   35\__/t 6000\__/t 2000\__/H    9\__/W   11\__/S  111\
\      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /
 \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    / 
  \__/B  134\__/P   34\__/M   36\__/m 1000\__/M    8\__/B   10\__/P  110\__/  
     \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/     
     /J  135\__/T  600\__/H   37\__/P    1\__/D    7\__/T  200\__/B  109\     
     \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /     
      \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /      
       \__/M  136\__/B   38\__/S   42\__/W    2\__/P    6\__/M  108\__/       
          \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/          
Terrain   /B  137\__/W   39\__/M   41\__/B    3\__/J    5\__/D  107\          
B = Brush \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /          
D = Desert \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /           
H = Hills   \__/P  138\__/J   40\__/T  100\__/H    4\__/B  106\__/            
J = Jungle     \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/               
m = Mountains  /D  139\__/B  141\__/P  101\__/M  103\__/P  105\               
M = Marsh      \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /               
P = Plains      \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /    \    /                
S = Swamp        \__/M  140\__/S  142\__/B  102\__/J  104\__/                 
T = Tower           \______/  \______/  \______/  \______/                    
t = Tundra
W = Woods


                                        /D6     \        BRUSH
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         / Bramble \         / Bramble \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         / Bramble \         / Bramble \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         /         \         / Bramble \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         / Bramble \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         / Bramble \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         / Bramble \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Bramble ****************************************************************
- Native: Gar Cyc Gor Beh Ser
- A non-native character is slowed when entering a bramble hex.
- A native character defending in a bramble has the strike-number needed
  to hit it increased by 1 if attacked by a non-native character.
- A non-native character striking out of a bramble hex has its skill
  factor reduced by 1.
- A native character defending in a bramble has the strike-number needed
  to hit it increased by 1 when it is the target of a rangestrike from a
  non-native character.
- A non-native rangestriker loses a skill-factor for each intervening hex
  that contains bramble.  Bramble in the rangestriker's hex has no effect
  on rangestrike, and the defender's hex is not considered an intervening hex.

                                        /D6     \      DESERT
                                       / Sand    \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         / Sand    \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         / Sand    \         / Sand    \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         /        o\         / Sand    \         /
        /           \_______/          o\_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \          o/D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \        o/ Sand    \         /o        \
          \_o_o_o_/           \_______/           \_______/o          \
          /A2     \o          /C3     \           /E3 o o \           /
         / Sand    \o        /        v\         /o        \         /
        /           \_o_o_o_/          v\_______/o          \_______/
        \           /B2     \o          /D3 v v \           /F2     \
         \         / Sand    \o        /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         / Sand    \         /o        \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/o          \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1 v v \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_v_v_v_/           \
                  \           /C1     \          o/E1     \o          /
o bottom of dune   \         /         \        o/ Sand    \o        /
v bottom of cliff   \_______/           \_o_o_o_/           \_______/
                            \          o/D1     \           /
                             \        o/ Sand    \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Sand *******************************************************************
- Native: Lio Gri Hyd
- Entry slows non-flying non-native creatures.
***** Dune *******************************************************************
- Native: Lio Gri Hyd
- A native character adds two dice when striking down across a dune.
- A non-native character loses one die when striking up across a dune.
- A strike made across non-dune hexsides cannot carry-over up across a dune
- A rangestrike may cross a single dune only if the rangestriker or target
  occupies the hex to which the dune is connected.
- A rangestrike may cross two dunes only if the rangestriker and the target
  occupy those dunes' hexes.
***** Cliff ******************************************************************
- Non-flying characters may not cross cliffs.
- Characters cannot strike across a cliff.
- Adjacent characters separated by a cliff are not in contact with each other.
- A rangestrike may cross a cliff only if the rangestriker is atop the cliff
  and the target is not at the base of the cliff, and vice versa.
- A rangestrike may cross one cliff before or after any number of slopes
  provided the rangestriker or the target occupies the hex atop the cliff.
- A rangestrike may pass through a character if the character is at the base
  of a cliff and either the rangestriker or target is directly atop it.

                                        /D6     \      HILLS
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /        "\         /"        \
                     _______/          "\_______/"          \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5 " " \           /F4     \
                   /         \         /         \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         / Tree    \         /         \         /
        /           \_"_"_"_/           \_______/           \_______/
        \          "/B3     \"          /D4     \           /F3     \
         \        "/         \"        /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_"_"_"_/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \          "/E3     \"          /
         /        "\         /"        \        "/         \"        /
        /          "\_______/"          \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2 " " \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         /         \         /        "\         /"Tree    \
          \_______/           \_______/          "\_______/"          \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2 " " \           /
         /         \         / Tree    \         /         \         /
        /           \_"_"_"_/           \_"_"_"_/           \_______/
        \          "/B1     \"         "/D2     \"          /F1     \
         \        "/         \"       "/         \"        /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
" bottom of slope  \         /"       "\         /"        \         /
                    \_______/"         "\_______/"          \_______/
                            \           /D1 " " \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Plain ******************************************************************
- Differences in shade serve to distinguish between different elevations,
  lighter shades being higher.
- A rangestrike may pass through a character if it is at a lower elevation
  than both the rangestriker and the target.
***** Slope ******************************************************************
- Native: Ogr Lio Min Uni Dra Col
- A non-flying, non-native character is slowed when moving up across a slope.
- A native character adds one die when striking down across a slope.
- A non-native character loses a skill-factor when striking up across a slope.
- A rangestrike may cross one or two slopes only if the hex atop at least
  one slope is occupied by either the rangestriker or the target.
- A rangestrike may cross three slopes if the rangestriker or the target is
  directly atop the first slope and the other is atop the third slope.
- A rangestrike may cross a slope or slopes before or after crossing a cliff
  if the rangestriker or target occupies the hex atop the cliff.
***** Tree *******************************************************************
- Entry forbidden to all non-flying characters.  A flying character cannot
  end his move in a tree hex.
- Rangestrike may not pass through a tree hex.

                                        /D6     \      JUNGLE
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             / Bramble \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   / Tree    \         /         \         / Bramble \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         / Bramble \         / Tree    \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         / Bramble \         / Bramble \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         /         \         / Tree    \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         /         \         / Bramble \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         / Bramble \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Bramble ****************************************************************
- Native: Gar Cyc Gor Beh Ser
- A non-native character is slowed when entering a bramble hex.
- A native character defending in a bramble has the strike-number needed
  to hit it increased by 1 if attacked by a non-native character.
- A non-native character striking out of a bramble hex has its skill
  factor reduced by 1.
- A native character defending in a bramble has the strike-number needed
  to hit it increased by 1 when it is the target of a rangestrike from a
  non-native character.
- A non-native rangestriker loses a skill-factor for each intervening hex
  that contains bramble.  Bramble in the rangestriker's hex has no effect
  on rangestrike, and the defender's hex is not considered an intervening hex.
***** Tree *******************************************************************
- Entry forbidden to all non-flying characters.  A flying character cannot
  end his move in a tree hex.
- Rangestrike may not pass through a tree hex.

                                        /D6     \      MARSH
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         / Bog     \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         / Bog     \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         / Bog     \         / Bog     \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         / Bog     \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         / Bog     \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Bog ********************************************************************
- Native: Ogr Tro Ran Wyv Hyd
- Entry forbidden to non-native, non-flying characters.  A flying
  non-native character may not end its move on a Bog hex.

                                        /D6     \      MOUNTAINS
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         /"        \
                     _______/           \_______/"          \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5 " " \          "/F4     \
                   /        "\         /"        \        "/         \
           _______/          "\_______/"          \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4 " " \           /E4     \           /
         /        "\         /         \         /        "\         /
        /          "\_______/           \_"_"_"_/          "\_______/
        \           /B3 " " \          "/D4     \"          /F3 " " \
         \         /        "\        "/ Volcano \"        /         \
          \_______/          "\_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3 " " \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         /        v\         /"        \         /
        /           \_"_"_"_/          v\_______/"          \_"_"_"_/
        \          "/B2     \"         "/D3 " " \          "/F2     \
         \        "/         \"       "/         \        "/         \
          \_"_"_"_/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2 " " \           /
         /         \         /"       "\         /"       v\         /
        /           \_"_"_"_/"         "\_______/"         v\_______/
        \          "/B1     \v          /D2 " " \          "/F1 " " \
         \        "/         \v        /         \        "/         \
          \_______/           \_"_"_"_/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \"          /E1     \           /
v bottom of cliff  \         /"        \"        /        "\         /
" bottom of slope   \_______/"          \_______/          "\_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /"        \         /
                              \_______/"          \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Plain ******************************************************************
- Differences in shade serve to distinguish between different elevations,
  lighter shades being higher.
- A rangestrike may pass through a character if it is at a lower elevation
  than both the rangestriker and the target.
***** Slope ******************************************************************
- Native: Ogr Lio Min Uni Dra Col
- A non-flying, non-native character is slowed when moving up across a slope.
- A native character adds one die when striking down across a slope.
- A non-native character loses a skill-factor when striking up across a slope.
- A rangestrike may cross one or two slopes only if the hex atop at least
  one slope is occupied by either the rangestriker or the target.
- A rangestrike may cross three slopes if the rangestriker or the target is
  directly atop the first slope and the other is atop the third slope.
- A rangestrike may cross a slope or slopes before or after crossing a cliff
  if the rangestriker or target occupies the hex atop the cliff.
***** Volcano ****************************************************************
- Entry forbidden to all except Dragons.
- Dragons add two dice (+ slope bonus) when striking from a volcano.
- A Dragon in the volcano increases the strike-number of any rangestrike
  directed against it by 1.
- A Dragon adds two dice to any rangestrike made from a volcano.
***** Cliff ******************************************************************
- Non-flying characters may not cross cliffs.
- Characters cannot strike across a cliff.
- Adjacent characters separated by a cliff are not in contact with each other.
- A rangestrike may cross a cliff only if the rangestriker is atop the cliff
  and the target is not at the base of the cliff, and vice versa.
- A rangestrike may cross one cliff before or after any number of slopes
  provided the rangestriker or the target occupies the hex atop the cliff.
- A rangestrike may pass through a character if the character is at the base
  of a cliff and either the rangestriker or target is directly atop it.

                                        /D6     \      PLAINS
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         /         \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /


                                        /D6     \      SWAMP
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             / Bog     \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         /         \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         / Tree    \         / Tree    \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         / Bog     \         / Bog     \         / Bog     \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         / Tree    \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         / Bog     \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Bog ********************************************************************
- Native: Ogr Tro Ran Wyv Hyd
- Entry forbidden to non-native, non-flying characters.  A flying
non-native character may not end its move on a Bog hex.
***** Tree *******************************************************************
- Entry forbidden to all non-flying characters.  A flying character cannot
  end his move in a tree hex.
- Rangestrike may not pass through a tree hex.

                                        /D6     \      TOWER
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         /         \
                     _______/           \_#_#_#_/           \_______
                    /B4     \          #/D5     \#          /F4     \
                   /         \        #/         \#        /         \
           _______/           \_#_#_#_/           \_#_#_#_/           \
          /A3     \          #/C4     \           /E4     \#          /
         /         \        #/         \         /         \#        /
        /           \_______/           \_#_#_#_/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \          #/D4     \#          /F3     \
         \         /        #\        #/         \#        /#        \
          \_______/          #\_______/           \_______/#          \
          /A2     \          #/C3     \           /E3     \#          /
         /         \        #/        #\         /#        \#        /
        /           \_______/          #\_______/#          \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3 # # \           /F2     \
         \         /        #\         /         \         /#        \
          \_______/          #\_______/           \_______/#          \
          /A1     \           /C2 # # \           /E2 # # \           /
         /         \         /        #\         /#        \         /
        /           \_______/          #\_______/#          \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2 # # \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
# bottom of wall   \         /         \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Wall *******************************************************************
- A non-flying character is slowed when moving up across a wall hexside.
- Any character gains a skill-factor when striking down across a wall.
- Any character loses a skill-factor when striking up across a wall.
- Any rangestrike loses a skill-factor for each wall that it crosses going up.
- A rangestrike may cross a single wall only if the rangestriker or the target
  occupies the hex directly at the top of the wall.
- A rangestrike may cross two walls only if either the rangestriker or the
  target occupies the tower's center hex and neither one occupies a hex directly
  beneath the outer walls.

                                        /D6     \      TUNDRA
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             / Drift   \         /         \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         /         \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         /         \         / Drift   \         / Drift   \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         / Drift   \         / Drift   \         / Drift   \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         / Drift   \         / Drift   \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         / Drift   \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         /         \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Drift ******************************************************************
- Native: Tro Wbe Gia Col
- A non-native character is slowed when entering a drift hex.
- A non-native character suffers one hit of damage at the start of each
  strike phase it spends in a drift hex.

                                        /D6     \      WOODS
                                       /         \
                               _______/           \_______
                              /C5     \           /E5     \
                             /         \         / Tree    \
                     _______/           \_______/           \_______
                    /B4     \           /D5     \           /F4     \
                   /         \         /         \         /         \
           _______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A3     \           /C4     \           /E4     \           /
         / Tree    \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B3     \           /D4     \           /F3     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A2     \           /C3     \           /E3     \           /
         /         \         / Tree    \         / Tree    \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B2     \           /D3     \           /F2     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
          /A1     \           /C2     \           /E2     \           /
         /         \         /         \         /         \         /
        /           \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
        \           /B1     \           /D2     \           /F1     \
         \         /         \         /         \         /         \
          \_______/           \_______/           \_______/           \
                  \           /C1     \           /E1     \           /
                   \         /         \         /         \         /
                    \_______/           \_______/           \_______/
                            \           /D1     \           /
                             \         / Tree    \         /
                              \_______/           \_______/
                                      \           /
                                       \         /

***** Tree *******************************************************************
- Entry forbidden to all non-flying characters.  A flying character cannot
  end his move in a tree hex.
- Rangestrike may not pass through a tree hex.

This page is maintained by Bruno Wolff III on wolff.to.

A secure version of this page is located at: https://wolff.to/titan/handout.html