The following program can be used to analyze two player constant sum games. It handles games with multiple states and with some types of recursion. I also have a downloadable version that does not have specials (<, > and &) escaped.
/* * Game Strategy Solver * * Written by Bruno Wolff III * December 10, 1989 * * Changed "=-" to "= -" 12/26/91 * * Made test for suitable pivots slightly larger than 0 rather than against * exactly 0. 6/4/96 * * This program will for solve for the value of each state of a game * and for the optimal strategy for each state. Each state may have * its own set of strategies and state transitions. * * The input to the program is: * The type of recursion allowed. * (1 for no recursion, 2 for variable recursion, 3 for total recursion) * The input format (1 for dense, 2 for sparse). * The scale value to divide input values by. * The number of states. * If recursion allowed: * The error limit to be used to check for completion. * The maximum number of iterations. * For each state: * The number of row and number of column strategies. * The immediate payoff table from the row point of view. * The transition table to allowed states. * * The output from the program is: * If recursion allowed: * The number of iterations used. * The maximum change in a state value in the last iteration. * The value of each state. * For total recursion: * The value per turn of the game. * The probability of being in each state. * For each state: * The optimal row strategy mix. * The optimal column strategy mix. * * The problem is solved by treating each state as a seperate game * using the previous state values when accounting for state transitions. * Each game is then interpretted as a linear programming problem and * solved using the simplex method. The new state values are checked against * the old state values and the number of iterations is checked against the * maximum number of iterations to see if any more iterations are needed. * If more iterations are needed then new state values are calculated * using a multinomial Newton's method (unless I-F' is singular, in which * case the current new values are used) using the values of the transition * matrices (evaluted using the latest strategy mixes) as the entries of F'. * The new state values are then used as the old state values in the next * iteration. For total recursion an extra condition is added to I-F' so * that it will not be singular. The condition is that the value of each * state times the probability of being in that state sum to zero. In this * mode only one infinite loop of states is allowed. */ /* * Include files. */ #include <stdio.h> /* * Declare function types. */ void main(); void gamsol(); int lineqs(); void badinp(); /* * Main program. */ void main() { int rec; /* type of recursion allowed */ int inp; /* format of input */ float scale; /* scale factor for input */ int nstate; /* number of states */ int miter; /* maximum number of iterations */ int iter; /* number of iterations */ float merr; /* maximum error */ float err; /* largest state value change in last iteration */ int *m; /* table of number of row startegies */ int *n; /* table of number of column strategies */ struct entry { /* sparse table entry */ int estate; /* transition to state, 0 for payoff */ float eval; /* value of entry */ struct entry *enext; /* next entry in this state, row, column */ }; float ****dp; /* [state from][state to][row][col] dense payoff table */ struct entry ****sp; /* [state from][row][col] sparse payoff table */ struct entry *ent; /* scratch */ float *old; /* table of old state values */ float *val; /* table of current state values */ float **row; /* [state][strategy] row strategy mixes */ float **col; /* [state][strategy] column strategy mixes */ float **a; /* [row][col] scratch matrix used for gamsol and lineqs calls */ float *b; /* scratch vector used for lineqs call */ float *x; /* scratch vector used for lineqs call */ float v; /* scratch */ int kk; /* used to keep track of allowed state transitions */ int i,j,k,ii,jj; /* scratch */ fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat type of recursion is allowed (1 none, 2 variable, 3 total)?\n"); if (scanf("%d",&rec)<1) badinp(); if (rec<1||rec>3) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe type of recursion allowed must be 1, 2 or 3.\n"); exit(); } fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat input format will be used (1 dense, 2 sparse)?\n"); if (scanf("%d",&inp)<1) badinp(); if (inp<1||inp>2) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe input format must be 1 or 2.\n"); exit(); } fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat is the scale factor for the input?\n"); if (scanf("%f",&scale)<1) badinp(); if (scale==0.) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe scale factor must be nonzero.\n"); exit(); } fprintf(stderr,"\nHow many states does the game have?\n"); if (scanf("%d",&nstate)<1) badinp(); if (nstate < 1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe number of states can not be less than one.\n"); exit(); } kk=nstate; /* Assume any state transitons are allowed, change later if not */ if (rec==1) { miter=1; /* Only one iteration needed if there is no recursion */ merr=0.; /* This doesn't matter if there is no recursion */ } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat is the maximum error?\n"); if (scanf("%f",&merr)<1) badinp(); if (merr<=0.) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe maximum error must be greater than zero.\n"); exit(); } fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat is the maximum number of iterations?\n"); if (scanf("%d",&miter)<1) badinp(); if (miter<1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe maximum number of iterations must be at least one.\n"); exit(); } } /* * Allocate some space for tables. */ m=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*m)*nstate); /* number of row strategies table */ n=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*n)*nstate); /* number of column strategies table */ old=(float *)malloc(sizeof(*old)*(nstate+2)); /* old value table */ val=(float *)malloc(sizeof(*val)*(nstate+2)); /* new value table */ row=(float **)malloc(sizeof(*row)*nstate); /* row strategy mixes */ col=(float **)malloc(sizeof(*col)*nstate); /* column strategy mixes */ b=(float *)malloc(sizeof(*b)*(nstate+1)); x=(float *)malloc(sizeof(*x)*(nstate+1)); if (inp==1) { /* Dense input space allocation */ dp=(float ****)malloc(sizeof(*dp)*nstate); for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { if (rec==1) kk=i; /* In case not all transitions are allowed */ dp[i]=(float ***)malloc(sizeof(**dp)*(kk+1)); } } else { /* Sparse input allocation */ sp=(struct entry ****)malloc(sizeof(*sp)*nstate); } /* * Get number of row and column strategies for each state. */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { fprintf(stderr,"\nWhat is the number of row and the number of column strategies for state %d?\n",i+1); if (scanf("%d%d",m+i,n+i)<2) badinp(); if (m[i]<1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe number of row strategies must be at least one.\n"); exit(); } if (n[i]<1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nThe number of column strategies must be at least one.\n"); exit(); } row[i]=(float *)malloc(sizeof(**row)*m[i]); /* Space for row strategies */ col[i]=(float *)malloc(sizeof(**col)*n[i]); /* Space for column strategies */ } /* * Enter tables using dense input format. */ if (inp==1) { for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { if (rec==1) kk=i; /* In case not all transitions are allowed */ for (ii=0; ii<=kk; ii++) { /* Allocate space for each state */ dp[i][ii]=(float **)malloc(sizeof(***dp)*m[i]); for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { dp[i][ii][k]=(float *)malloc(sizeof(****dp)*n[i]); } } fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter %d x %d table of payoffs to the row player for state %d.\n",m[i],n[i],i+1); for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { if (scanf("%f",dp[i][0][k]+j)<1) badinp(); dp[i][0][k][j]/=scale; } } for (ii=1; ii<=kk; ii++) { fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter %d x %d transition table from state %d to state %d.\n",m[i],n[i],i+1,ii); for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { if (scanf("%f",dp[i][ii][k]+j)<1) badinp(); dp[i][ii][k][j]/=scale; if (rec==3 && dp[i][ii][k][j]<0.) { fprintf(stderr,"\nNegative transitions not allowed for total recursion.\n"); exit(); } } } } /* * For total recursion make sure recursion adds up to one in every case. */ if (rec==3) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { v=0.; for (ii=1; ii<=kk; ii++) v+=dp[i][ii][k][j]; if (v-1.<-1e-6 || v-1.>1e-6) { fprintf(stderr,"\nRecursion of %f for state %d, row %d, column %d.\n",v,i+1,k+1,j+1); exit(); } } } } } } /* * Enter tables using sparse format. */ else { for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { /* allocate space for each state */ sp[i] = (struct entry ***)malloc(sizeof(**sp)*m[i]); for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { sp[i][k] = (struct entry **)malloc(sizeof(***sp)*n[i]); for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) sp[i][k][j] = NULL; } } fprintf(stderr,"\nEnter payoff and transition table entries in the following formats:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"State Row Column 0 Payoff to row player\n"); fprintf(stderr,"State from Row Column State to Transition value\n"); fprintf(stderr,"0 (this signifies the end of table entries)\n"); while(1) { if (scanf("%d",&i)<1) badinp(); if (i==0) break; if (i<0 || i>nstate) { fprintf(stderr,"\nBad state %d used for state from.\n",i); exit(); } if (scanf("%d%d%d%f",&k,&j,&ii,&v)<4) badinp(); if (k<1 || k>m[i-1]) { fprintf(stderr,"\nBad row %d used for state %d.\n",k,i); exit(); } if (j<1 || j>n[i-1]) { fprintf(stderr,"\nBad column %d used for state %d.\n",j,i); exit(); } if (ii<0 || ii>nstate || (rec==1 && ii>=i)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nBad state %d used for state to.\n",ii); exit(); } if (v<0 && rec==3 && ii>0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nNegative transition in total recursion mode.\n"); exit(); } ent=sp[i-1][k-1][j-1]; while (ent) { if (ent->estate==ii) { fprintf(stderr,"\nDuplicate entry for state to %d, row %d, column %d, state from %d.\n",i,j,k,ii); exit(); } ent = ent->enext; } ent = (struct entry *)malloc(sizeof(*ent)); ent->enext=sp[i-1][k-1][j-1]; ent->eval=v/scale; ent->estate=ii; sp[i-1][k-1][j-1]=ent; } /* * Make sure recursion adds up to one for total recursion. */ if (rec==3) { for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { v=0.; ent=sp[i][k][j]; while (ent) { if (ent->estate!=0) v+=ent->eval; ent=ent->enext; } if (v-1.<-1e6 || v-1.>1e-6) { fprintf(stderr,"\nRecursion of %f for state %d, row %d, column %d.\n",v,i+1,k+1,j+1); exit(); } } } } } } /* * Allocate space for scratch matrix */ ii=nstate+1; for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { if (m[i]>=ii) ii=m[i]+1; } a=(float **)malloc(sizeof(*a)*ii); for (i=0; i<ii; i++) { j=nstate+1; for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) { if (m[k]>=i && n[k]>=j) j=n[k]+1; } a[i]=(float *)malloc(sizeof(**a)*j); } /* * Use zero for initial state values. */ old[0]=1.; /* value for payoff is special */ for (i=1; i<=nstate+1; i++) old[i]=0.; /* * Solve the game */ for (iter=1; ; iter++) { /* keep going until the answer is good enough */ /* * Solve each state seperately. */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { if (rec==1) kk=i; /* recursion allowed? */ /* * Build parameters for calling gamsol. */ if (inp==1) { /* dense input */ for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { v=dp[i][0][k][j]; for (ii=1; ii<=kk; ii++) v+=old[ii]*dp[i][ii][k][j]; a[k][j]=v; } } } else { /* sparse input */ for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { v=0.; ent=sp[i][k][j]; while(ent) { v+=ent->eval*old[ent->estate]; ent=ent->enext; } a[k][j]=v; } } } gamsol(m[i],n[i],a,row[i],col[i],val+i+1); if (rec==1) old[i+1]=val[i+1]; /* if no recursion value can be used immediately */ } /* * Calculate state probabilities for total recursion. * [ T ] [ ] * [F'-I 1] X = [0] solved for X gives the state probabilities. * [1 0] [1] */ if (rec==3) { if (inp==1) { /* dense input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) { v=i==ii?-1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { v+=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*dp[i][ii+1][k][j]; } } a[ii][i]=v; } } } else { /* sparse input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) a[ii][i]=i==ii?-1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { ent=sp[i][k][j]; while (ent) { if (ent->estate!=0) a[ent->estate-1][i]+=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*ent->eval; ent=ent->enext; } } } } } for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { b[i]=0; a[i][nstate]=1.; a[nstate][i]=1.; } b[nstate]=1.; a[nstate][nstate]=0.; i=lineqs(nstate+1,a,b,x); if (i!=nstate+1) { fprintf(stderr,"\nSingular matrix for probability calculation in iteration %d.\n",iter); for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) x[i]=1./nstate; } val[nstate+1]=0.; for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) val[nstate+1]+=x[i]*val[i+1]; for (i=1; i<=nstate; i++) val[i]-=old[nstate+1]; } /* * Check to see if we have done enough iterations. */ err=0.; for (i=1; i<=nstate+1; i++) { v=val[i]-old[i]; if (v<0.) v= -v; if (v>err) err=v; } if (rec==1||iter>=miter||err<=merr) break; /* * Solve (I-F') X = Old - New, then set Old = Old - X. This will greatly speed * up convergence if (I-F') is not singular. If it is then set Old = New. */ if (rec==2) { /* general recursion */ if (inp==1) { /* dense input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { b[i]=old[i+1]-val[i+1]; for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) { v=i==ii?1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { v-=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*dp[i][ii+1][k][j]; } } a[i][ii]=v; } } } else { /* sparse input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { b[i]=old[i+1]-val[i+1]; for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) a[i][ii]=i==ii?1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { ent=sp[i][k][j]; while (ent) { if (ent->estate!=0) a[i][ent->estate-1]-=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*ent->eval; ent=ent->enext; } } } } } i=lineqs(nstate,a,b,x); if (i==nstate) for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) old[i+1]=old[i+1]-x[i]; else { fprintf(stderr,"\nSingular matrix in iteration %d.\n",iter); for (i=1; i<=nstate; i++) old[i]=val[i]; } } /* * ( [F -1]) * Solve (I - [P 0]) X = Old - New and then set Old = Old - X. * This will greatly speed up convergence if the matrix is not singular. * If it is set Old = New. */ else { /* total recursion */ if (inp==1) { /* dense input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) { v=i==ii?1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { v-=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*dp[i][ii+1][k][j]; } } a[i][ii]=v; } } } else { /* sparse input */ for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { for (ii=0; ii<nstate; ii++) a[i][ii]=i==ii?1.:0.; for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { ent=sp[i][k][j]; while (ent) { if (ent->estate!=0) a[i][ent->estate-1]-=row[i][k]*col[i][j]*ent->eval; ent=ent->enext; } } } } } for (i=0; i<=nstate; i++) b[i]=old[i+1]-val[i+1]; for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { a[i][nstate]=1.; a[nstate][i]= -x[i]; /* copy state probabilities */ } a[nstate][nstate]=1.; i=lineqs(nstate+1,a,b,x); if (i==nstate+1) for (i=0; i<=nstate; i++) old[i+1]=old[i+1]-x[i]; else { fprintf(stderr,"\nSingular matrix in iteration %d.\n",iter); for (i=1; i<=nstate; i++) old[i]=val[i]+old[nstate+1]-val[nstate+1]; old[nstate+1]=val[nstate+1]; } } } /* * Print out the results. */ if (rec!=1) { printf("\nTermination after %d iterations.\n",iter); printf("The largest value change in the last iteration was %e\n",err); } if (rec==3) { printf("\nThe value per turn of the game is %.8f\n",val[nstate+1]); printf("\nThe game state probabilities and values are:\n"); for (i=1; i<=nstate; i++) printf("State %4d %.8f %.8f\n",i,x[i-1],val[i]); } else { printf("\nThe game state values are:\n"); for (i=1; i<=nstate; i++) printf("State %4d %.8f\n",i,val[i]); } for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) { printf("\nThe active row strategies for state %d are:\n",i+1); for (k=0; k<m[i]; k++) { if (row[i][k]>=1.e-6) printf("Strategy %4d %.8f\n",k+1,row[i][k]); } printf("\nThe active column strategies for state %d are:\n",i+1); for (j=0; j<n[i]; j++) { if (col[i][j]>=1.e-6) printf("Strategy %4d %.8f\n",j+1,col[i][j]); } } printf("\n"); } /* * Something about the input is messed up. */ void badinp() { fprintf(stderr,"\nBad input format or end of file reached.\n"); exit(); } /* * Subroutine to solve a zero sum game using the simplex method. * * Written by Bruno Wolff III * June 13, 1989 * * The game A is solved by minimizing the sum of X, with AX>=1, X>=0. * For this to be solvable the value of the game must be positive. So * that game A' is actually solved where A'=A-min(A)+1. The final answer * is given by X=X/(sum of X). V=1/(sum of X)+min(A)-1. The dual solution * is calculated at the same time and contains the other player's optimal * strategy. * * Parameters: * m Number of row strategies (input) * n Number of column strategies (input) * a Payoff matrix (to row player) with an extra row and column (input/scratch) * r m optimal row strategies (output) * c n optimal column strategies (output) * v Value of the game to the row player (output) */ void gamsol(m,n,a,r,c,v) int m; int n; float **a; /* a has an extra row and column to be used for work space */ float *r; float *c; float *v; /* pointer so as to allow a value to be returned */ { float s; /* minimum value of the a array minus one */ float p; /* best value of the pivot criterion so far */ float pc; /* curent pivot criterion */ float cp; /* best value of the pivot criterion in the current column */ int ip,jp; /* location of best pivot */ int icp; /* location of the best pivot in the current column */ int i,j; /* scratch */ int *rin; /* active row strategies */ int *rout; /* inactive row strategies */ int *cin; /* active column strategies */ int *cout; /* inactive column strategies */ /* * Check reasonableness of problem size. */ if (m<1) { fprintf(stderr,"\ngamsol error - m must be at least 1.\n"); exit(); } if (n<1) { fprintf(stderr,"\ngamsol error - n must be at least 1.\n"); exit(); } /* * Make all payoffs positive. This assures the value of the game is * positive. */ s=a[0][0]; /* start with s as some value in a */ for (i=0; i<m; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { if (a[i][j]<s) s=a[i][j]; } } s-=1.; /* this makes sure the value ends up positive */ for (i=0; i<m; i++) { for (j=0; j<n; j++) { a[i][j]-=s; } } /* * Finish setting up the simplex problem. */ rin=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*rin)*n); rout=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*rout)*m); cin=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*cin)*m); cout=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*cout)*n); for (i=0; i<m; i++) { a[i][n]=1.; rout[i]=i; cin[i]= -1; } for (j=0; j<n; j++) { a[m][j]= -1.; cout[j]=j; rin[j]= -1; } *v=1.; /* Value of the game times the sum of the strategies */ a[m][n]=0.; /* * Simplex loop */ while (1) { /* repeat until no suitable pivot is found */ /* * Get pivot */ p= -1.; /* Mark that no pivot has been found yet */ for (j=0; j<n; j++) { /* Take the largest of the column values */ if (a[m][j]<0.) { /* Will a pivot in this column help? */ cp= -2.; /* Mark that no pivot has been found in this column */ for (i=0; i<m; i++) { /* Take the smallest value in each column */ if (a[i][j]>1.e-6) { /* Suitable pivots must be positive */ pc= -a[m][j]*a[i][n]/a[i][j]; if (pc<cp||cp== -2.) { cp=pc; icp=i; } } } if (cp>p) { p=cp; ip=icp; jp=j; } } } /* * If no pivot has been found the game is solved. */ if (p== -1.) break; /* * Perform the pivot operation. */ for (i=0; i<=m; i++) { /* Be sure to include extra row */ if (i!=ip) { /* Pivot row is unchanged except for the pivot */ for (j=0; j<=n; j++) { /* Be sure to include extra column */ if (j!=jp) { /* Negate pivot column (not the pivot) later */ a[i][j]=(a[i][j]*a[ip][jp]-a[ip][j]*a[i][jp])/(*v); } } a[i][jp]= -a[i][jp]; /* Now it's safe to change pivot column */ } } p=a[ip][jp]; /* Don't update pivot until after we are done using it */ a[ip][jp]= *v; /* Switch pivot value with the value of the game */ *v=p; i=rin[jp]; /* Keep track of active strategies */ rin[jp]=rout[ip]; rout[ip]=i; j=cin[ip]; cin[ip]=cout[jp]; cout[jp]=j; } /* * Copy over results. */ *v=(*v)/a[m][n]+s; for (i=0; i<m; i++) r[i]=0; /* Set all row strategies to zero */ for (j=0; j<n; j++) { /* Then copy over the values of the active strategies */ if (rin[j]>=0) r[rin[j]]=a[m][j]/a[m][n]; } for (j=0; j<n; j++) c[j]=0; /* Set all column strategies to zero */ for (i=0; i<m; i++) { /* Then copy over the values of the active strategies */ if (cin[i]>=0) c[cin[i]]=a[i][n]/a[m][n]; } free(rin); /* don't let storage accumalate */ free(rout); free(cin); free(cout); } /* * Function to solve AX=B by Guasian elimination. * * The rank of A is returned so that it is possible to tell when A is * singular and X is not returned. * * Parameters: * n The size of the problem (input) * a n x n matrix (input/scratch) * b n vector (input/scratch) * x n vector (output) */ int lineqs(n,a,b,x) int n; float **a; float *b; float *x; { int *isw; /* Table used to keep track of row switches */ int *jsw; /* Table used to keep track of column switches */ int jp,kp; /* Pivot location */ float pivot; /* Pivot value */ int i,j,k; /* Scratch */ float e; /* Scratch */ /* * Initialize row and column switch tables. */ isw=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*isw)*n); jsw=(int *)malloc(sizeof(*jsw)*n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { isw[i]=i; jsw[i]=i; } /* * Triangularize a. */ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { /* * Use maximal element as pivot. */ pivot=0.; for (j=i; j<n; j++) { for (k=i; k<n; k++) { e=a[isw[j]][jsw[k]]; if (e<0.) e= -e; if (e>pivot) { pivot=e; jp=j; kp=k; } } } /* * If the pivot is essentially zero then a is singular. If so we can't * solve the problem and should just return the rank of a. */ if (pivot<1e-5) { free(isw); /* don't let storage accumalate */ free(jsw); return i; } /* * Switch pivot row and column with the ith row and column. */ j=isw[i]; isw[i]=isw[jp]; isw[jp]=j; k=jsw[i]; jsw[i]=jsw[kp]; jsw[kp]=k; /* * Eliminate the remainder of the column. */ pivot=a[isw[i]][jsw[i]]; for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) { e= -a[isw[j]][jsw[i]]/pivot; for (k=i+1; k<n; k++) { a[isw[j]][jsw[k]]+=e*a[isw[i]][jsw[k]]; } b[isw[j]]+=e*b[isw[i]]; } } /* * Back substitute to obtain x. */ for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) { x[jsw[i]]=b[isw[i]]; for (j=n-1; j>i; j--) { x[jsw[i]]-=a[isw[i]][jsw[j]]*x[jsw[j]]; } x[jsw[i]]/=a[isw[i]][jsw[i]]; } free(isw); /* don't let storage accumalate */ free(jsw); return n; /* matrix is not singular, so return the full rank */ }
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