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AREA Ratings for W5282: J Sean Bryan

Switch to alphabetical ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Advanced Civilization (1991)50415180302015-08-092016-08-30
Age of Renaissance (1996)49324170202014-08-102016-08-30
Puerto Rico (2002)4967130102014-08-102016-08-30
1830: Railways and Robber Barons (1986)4948120102015-08-092016-06-08
Agricola (2007)4909390202015-08-092016-06-08
Conquest of Paradise (2007)4966130102015-08-092016-06-08
War Of The Ring (FFG)4961330102015-08-092015-09-19

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