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AREA Ratings for W3484: Philip Yaure

Switch to alphabetical ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Thurn and Taxis (2006)47687110402015-08-092016-09-06
Carcassonne (2000)5100140102015-08-092016-08-30
Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (1996)5039960402014-08-102016-08-22
Paths of Glory (1999)49941262412013-08-042016-07-06
Warriors of God (2008)50111170402015-08-092016-07-06
Kremlin (1986)506424530902015-08-092016-06-08
Yspahan (2006)4967130102015-08-092016-06-08
Labyrinth: The Global War on Terror 2001 - ?5107330102015-08-092016-04-16

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