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AREA Ratings for 94089.60: William Alderman

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Axis & Allies4918110102014-08-102016-01-31
Battles of the American Revolution Series (1998-2013)4494181401402015-08-092016-05-27
Circus Maximus (1979)52436300302016-02-222016-08-22
Mr. Madison's War: The Incredible War of 1812 (2012)5100110102013-08-042016-08-21
Naval War (1979)4980150102013-08-042016-06-08
Tigers in the Mist (1999)4315980802013-08-042016-07-06

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