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AREA Ratings for 44720.01: Eric Stranger

Switch to most recently modified ordering.

TitleRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive dateLast updated
Atlantic Storm (1997)49627290402014-08-102016-06-08
Mr. Madison's War: The Incredible War of 1812 (2012)4995220102014-08-102016-08-21
PanzerBlitz (1970)5320330302015-08-092016-08-22
Squad Leader Series (1977-1984)5763754032402014-08-102016-08-22
Virgin Queen (2012)49134130202015-08-092016-06-08
Washington's War (2010)4662440202013-08-042016-08-21

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