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AREA Ratings for Tigers in the Mist (1999)

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This game is rated as a two player game.

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Last updated 2016-07-06.

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Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games54523
Standard Deviation for any rated games39163
Mean for any rated games500963

Active Player List

There are no active players for this game.

Inactive Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
27607.01Freeman, Ray63878230211512016-04-06
MP001Pauca, Mircea-Valer6209291229012016-04-06
00825Eshleman, Bryan D61165217101312015-08-09
00470Thornsen, Thomas C5631572020812016-04-06
91402.61Young, Rick55793621121012015-08-09
W3392Mishler, Mike549518120602013-08-04
SAARG.60DeNucci, Eduardo Jorge54761166112016-04-06
01535Kaye, Michael A5442331525612016-04-06
RLH02Hamel, Robert L5349471416712016-04-06
RS013Sciacca, Richard5157321214512016-04-06
08879.60Wong, David51221153512016-04-06
HO001Orris, Hobie5082220102015-08-09
W4736Melton, Thomas D5069440102013-08-04
SB001Beall, Scott R5018220202013-08-04
TM002Miller, Timothy4974220202015-08-09
68138.61Tracy II, James R4910330202015-08-09
AG008Gregorio, Alexander T4890110102015-08-09
01485Petroski, Glenn E L4809550202015-08-09
W4212McDonald, Angus (Gus)4775550202015-08-09
60061.60Drozd, Charles47505673612016-04-06
15143.01Smith, Gregory D4721330302015-08-09
17097.30Kramer Jr, James F4705271201302015-08-09
SharpSharp Jr, John T46511591812015-08-09
00642.98Smith, Nick4628540502015-08-09
JV002Vinal, John R459911411012016-04-06
O4140Jamelli, Robert L B4357949012013-07-27
94089.60Alderman, William4315980802013-08-04

Other Interested Player List

There are no other interested players for this game.

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