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AREA Ratings for Temporum (RGG)

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2015-08-27.


Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games6421
Mean for any rated games500021

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
NAONT.60Balkan, Donna4967130102015-08-09
W5744Becker, Phil4967130102015-08-09
22201.50Billones, Jeremy5100130102015-08-09
W4779Cantwell, Kevin4975130102015-08-09
W5603Cantwell, Nathan4975130102015-08-09
W3858Collins II, Curt4975130102015-08-09
W3445Denton, David4967130102015-08-09
W5717Dobyns, York5099130102015-08-09
AD021Drummond, Andrew R4975130102015-08-09
DE001Edelstein, David4967130102015-08-09
KF008Fractal, Kate5199250102015-08-09
W5525Hoverback, Cat4967130102015-08-09
JK026Kelleher, Joseph5050260102015-08-09
W5759Kramer, Kurt4967130102015-08-09
RL014LaDue, Rachel4975130102015-08-09
20657.30Mathias, Daniel4942270102015-08-09
GP007Pounder, Geoffrey4967130102015-08-09
JR027Ratanaprasatporn, John4975130102015-08-09
CR001Reece, Craig4967130102015-08-09
KS013Smith, Kyle4975130102015-08-09
15226.60Staab, Peter5049250102015-08-09

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