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AREA Ratings for Terra Mystica

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This game is rated as a winner take all multiplayer game.

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Last updated 2014-03-15.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated gamesUndefined0
Standard Deviation for any rated games12113
Mean for any rated games500013

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
JA021Anes, Jose4967130102014-02-23
12209.30Birnbaum, Marvin5015360102014-02-23
RD022Dempsey, Ronald5246480102014-02-23
W5148Emerick, Andrew5158380102014-02-23
W5669Harris, Andrew W4952130102014-02-23
W3782Heap, Bronwen4891360102014-02-23
SH025Hodge, Stephanie5204240102014-02-23
UI001Irizarry, Urayoan4967130102014-02-23
RJ007Jarrett, Roger4937250102014-02-23
AL012Latto, Andrew4904230102014-02-23
SR011Riolong, Steffan4904240102014-02-23
W3781Senhouse, Chris4937260102014-02-23
02062.11Shay, Richard M4918240102014-02-23

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