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AREA Ratings for Fortress America (1986)

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This game is rated as a multiplayer team game.

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Last updated 2016-08-20.

Game skill information

Skill MetricValuePopulation count
Standard Deviation for 10+ rated games2438
Standard Deviation for any rated games22610
Mean for any rated games500910

Player List

AREA IDNameRatingFrequencyOpponentsRemote playTournamentsRemote CompetitionsActive date
ADG03George, Andre D49781080002016-01-20
AFG01Golden, AAron F49311580002016-01-20
01303Miller, Jeffrey D491117213002015-04-29
01485Petroski, Glenn E L55291880002016-01-20
JAR04Ragan, Joanne A4939780002016-01-20
01339Sander, James C527113113002015-04-29
GST01Thomas, Glenn S47781380002016-01-20
LBW01Whalen, Lisa B49051080002016-01-20
PMW01Wood, Patrick M50271480002016-01-20

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