#!/usr/bin/perl # Display a line indicating the number of active and inactive players. # Bruno Wolff III # Last revised October 31, 2012 use Pg; print "content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n"; # First try to connect $conn = Pg::connectdb('dbname=area'); if ($conn->status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) { print "unknown active and unknown inactive\n"; exit; } # Don't need to serialize since only one query is done here. $result = $conn->exec("select count(1) from (select distinct on (areaid) touched from crate where frq > 0 order by areaid desc, touched desc) as current where touched >= localtimestamp + '12 year ago' group by touched >= localtimestamp + '4 year ago' order by touched >= localtimestamp + '4 year ago' desc"); if ($result->resultStatus != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { print "unknown active and unknown recently inactive\n"; exit; } if ($result->ntuples < 2) { print "unknown active and unknown recently inactive\n"; exit; } @row = $result->fetchrow; $active = $row[0]; @row = $result->fetchrow; $inactive = $row[0]; print "$active active and $inactive recently inactive\n";